The Green Technology Hub team has successfully passed the certification for the title of GPM-b specialists
The Green Technology Hub team has successfully passed the certification for the title of GPM-b specialists

The Green Technology Hub team has successfully passed the certification for the title of GPM-b specialists

Green Technology Hub is pleased to announce that all its team members have successfully received GPM-b project Management certificates. This confirms the high level of knowledge and experience that our team’s specialists have in the field of project management.

GPM-B certification is a recognition of professional achievements and experience in project management based on the GPM Global methodology. This method allows you to manage projects within limited deadlines, budgets and resources, as well as optimize project management processes and achieve goals.

The certification of our team is the result not only of careful preparation and participation in trainings, but also of our constant striving to improve project management skills.

We are proud that our team has such a high level of professionalism and experience in project management, and we are ready to share this knowledge and experience with all our clients. We are confident that the GPM-b certification will confirm our expertise and help us provide even higher quality services in the field of green technologies.

If you have any questions or would like to receive additional information about Green Technology Hub services, please contact us at

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